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Full Moon in Pisces Sound Bath

Full Moon in Pisces

Get ready for a mystical and dreamy energy as the Full Moon graces the sign of Pisces.

During this enchanting time, we're encouraged to dive deep into our emotions, tap into our intuition, and connect with our inner world.

Pisces energy is all about compassion, empathy, and creative inspiration. It's a time to express ourselves artistically, indulge in self-care, and nurture our souls.

Let go of control and surrender to the flow of life. Trust your instincts, listen to your inner voice, and embrace the magic of the unknown.

The Full Moon in Pisces invites us to dive into our dreams, seek spiritual connections, and find solace in the power of imagination.

#FullMoonInPisces #EmbraceMysticism #DreamBig

Hey, friends! It's time to get hype for the Full Moon ceremony! This is a special time to align with our destiny and set intentions for the month ahead. When we're in sync with our path, we feel unstoppable! We're open to all the possibilities the universe has to offer.

During the Full Moon ceremony, we release the old to make space for the new. It's a powerful moment to let go of anything that no longer serves us, and make room for the new and exciting things that are coming our way. As we shed old versions of ourselves, we make space for a fresh, reborn version of ourselves to emerge.

As we step into a new season of our lives, we call in all the things we want to manifest for the month ahead. Think about what you want to create, what you want to feel, and what you want to experience. This is the time to set your intentions and bring them to life.

And let's not forget to express our gratitude for all the abundance and blessings already in our lives. We have so much to be thankful for, and acknowledging that gratitude attracts even more positivity and abundance into our lives. So take a moment to appreciate all the wonderful things that have come your way, and feel that gratitude in your heart.

Let's do this, friends! Set your intentions, release the old, and welcome in the new. The universe has your back, and your destiny is waiting for you!

August 16

New Moon in Leo Sound Bath

September 14

New Moon in Virgo Sound Bath