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Sagittarius New Moon Sound Bath

Hey bestie! It's New Moon time and that means a fresh start to set some intentions and manifest some goals. Are you ready to release the old and create space for the new?

Remember, when we let go of the old versions of ourselves, we make room for a rebirth and a new and improved version of ourselves. So, what intentions are you setting for yourself this New Moon? What are three goals you want to accomplish this month?

When we align ourselves with our destiny, our path becomes crystal clear, wide open, and full of infinite possibility. With this New Moon, we're letting go of all the limiting beliefs that are holding us back from our full potential. Let's choose to rewrite our old beliefs and create a new reality.

So, what new affirmation are you embracing this month? Let's harness our power as creators and manifest our desires into reality.

And don't forget, with this New Moon, we give thanks for the abundance and blessings already in our lives. Let's show gratitude for every experience and acknowledge all the good things we have going for us.

It's time to manifest our dreams and create a life we love. Happy New Moon!

November 15

Taurus Full Moon Sound Bath

December 1

Capricorn New Moon Sound Bath